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December 2001
Selective Indignation: bin Laden’s Inhumanity, and Ours Posted: Thursday, December 27, 2001 by Tim Wise
The reviews came in quickly. And to no one’s surprise, the verdict was "two thumbs down."
"Can you believe how ruthless this man is? How cold blooded?"
"That monster has no regard for human life."
"What kind of person laughs about the deaths of thousands of innocent people?"
These are but a few of the righteously indignant comments heard over the course of the last two weeks: the reactions of journalists, U.S. political leaders, and everyday folks to the recently aired Osama bin Laden tape. Therein, bin Laden appears to take credit for the atrocities of 9/11 and to cavalierly dismiss any moral concerns about the loss of life involved.
To the extent the tape is an accurate translation, it is certainly a disgusting display of ethical depravity. But really now, did we need grainy VHS footage to demonstrate that Osama bin Laden was a thug? Or was its dissemination primarily for the purpose of re-inflaming the American public?
Of course there is nothing so true about indignation as the simple fact that it’s usually applied in a highly selective fashion. So it was easy to condemn the horrific rationalizations for brutality offered up by Soviet Commissars or their proxies during the cold war, for example, but much more difficult to apply the same moral calculus to the statements of America’s allies: often brutal dictators whose regimes we supported no matter how many innocent civilians they butchered, tortured or "disappeared."
Certainly there is little reason to doubt that if someone had trained a video camera on U.S. clients like Duvalier, Marcos, Somoza, Pinochet or Suharto, we would have had the chance to be regaled with dismissive rationalizations of murder from them as well. Inhumanity, cruelty and barbarity, as it turns out, have never been deal-breakers for gaining the support of the United States government, after all.
What is of course interesting--or at least would be to a nation insistent on something so mundane as consistency--is how Americans react with horror to the cold, calculating comments of bin Laden, and yet brush aside (or fail to even learn about) the equally cold, calculating ways in which their elected officials and other U.S. spokespersons have regularly dispensed with human life, absent so much as a twinge of remorse.
After all, are the things bin Laden said really any more morally troublesome than the comments of former Secretary of State Madeline Albright? Remember, it was Albright who explained, also on camera, that even though roughly half-a-million children in Iraq had died from U.S. sanctions and bombing, ultimately, this cost was "worth it." (1)
In fact, the calculation that civilian deaths are "worth it" has a healthy pedigree, even extending to the Bush family itself. While George W. might become apoplectic at the dismissive manner in which Osama bin Laden shrugs off innocent lives, one doubts that he has ever lectured his father about the same thing. This, despite the fact that when Poppa Bush was asked whether capturing Manuel Noriega had been worth the deaths of the thousands of innocent Panamanians killed by U.S. forces in 1989, he responded that while "every human life is precious," ultimately "yes, it has been worth it." (2)
Are we to suppose that merely mouthing the words "every human life is precious," somehow makes the acceptance of mass killing less objectionable? More decent? Or instead, might not such a schism between what we say and what we do be even more disconcerting than similar pap spewing from the lips of bin Laden? At least Osama isn’t a phony.
As we bask in our rage over the bloodthirsty ruminations of our current Public Enemy Number One, perhaps we should also be willing to roll the tape, so to speak, on any number of equally disturbing comments by red, white and blue Americans.
Like the U.S. soldiers who bombed Iraqi forces even after they had surrendered on the field of battle in Operation Desert Storm--a certifiable war crime--and laughed about their actions, calling the strafing "a turkey shoot," and likening it to "shooting fish in a barrel." As one of America’s finest put it: "It’s the biggest Fourth of July show you’ve ever seen. And to see those tanks just ‘boom,’ and more stuff keeps spewing out of them...it’s wonderful." (3)
Or how about Ed Korry, Ambassador to Chile in 1973, when the U.S. sponsored the overthrow of the democratically-elected government of Salvador Allende, and replaced it with one of the most brutal dictatorships in the hemisphere’s history? Prior to Allende’s victory, Korry was on record as saying: "Once Allende comes to power we shall do all within our power to condemn Chile and Chileans to utmost deprivation and poverty." (4)
Or what of former Undersecretary of State, U. Alexis Johnson? In 1971, as the U.S. seared the Laotian countryside with phosphorous bombs and napalm, killing tens of thousands of civilians, Johnson described the slaughter as "something of which we can be proud as Americans." He explained further that, "what we are getting for our money there is, I think, to use the old phrase, very cost effective." (5)
Or how about Robert Martens, who served in the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta at the time of the Indonesian coup that brought Suharto to power in 1965, and resulted in the mass murder of roughly 500,000 people? In discussing how the CIA provided the Indonesian military with a list of suspected subversives to assassinate, Martens noted: "It really was a big help to the Army. They probably killed a lot of people, and I probably have a lot of blood on my hands, but that’s not all bad. There’s a time when you have to strike hard at a decisive moment." (6) Little doubt that the head of al-Qaeda would second that emotion.
Then there’s Fred Sherwood, a former CIA pilot who was involved in the U.S.-led coup that overthrew the elected government of Guatemala in 1954. Later he took up residence in the country and became President of the American Chamber of Commerce there. In the late 1970’s, as the United States continued its two-decade long support of death squads and military dictators, Sherwood could think of nothing wrong with their murderous deeds: "Why should we be worried about the death squads? They’re bumping off the commies, our enemies. I’d give them more power...The death squad--I’m for it…Shit!" (7)
And last but not least, what should we make of Dan Mitrione? Mitrione was the former head of the U.S. Office of Public Safety in Uruguay. In that capacity, Mitrione’s job appears to have been instructing Uruguayan police and military officials on how to torture their political enemies more effectively. His favorite slogan, according to those with whom he worked, was "the precise pain, in the precise place, in the precise amount, for the desired effect." Since torturers need to practice their craft, Mitrione would have his students test out all manner of devices--including electric shock to the genitals--on homeless beggars, kidnapped from the streets. Once Mitrione and his charges were finished with these torture models, they were routinely murdered. (8)
And yet in 1970, when Mitrione was himself kidnapped and killed by an Uruguayan rebel group, Secretary of State William Rogers attended his funeral, as did Frank Sinatra and Jerry Lewis, who staged a benefit for the family. White House Spokesman Ron Ziegler said of Mitrione, that his "devoted service to the cause of peaceful progress in an orderly world will remain as an example to free men everywhere." (9)
Yes indeed, the willingness to snuff out human life with absolutely no remorse or sense of guilt goes back a long way. At the risk of spoiling the patriotic mood, one might recall that the founding of this nation was dependent on the butchering of millions of indigenous people, who were typically dispatched gleefully by those "settlers" and pioneers who saw fit to steal their land. So too were we dependent on the stuffing of black bodies into the cramped bowels of slave ships, utterly indifferent as to how many would die on the long trip from Africa to the Americas. And millions did, while others laughed about it.
Ruthless? Cold-blooded? No regard for human life? To be sure, these statements describe Osama bin Laden, and on that we can all agree. But so too do they describe far too many of our own leaders, our own political and military elites. Unless and until we show as much interest in condemning this kind of bloodthirsty rhetoric from all quarters, and not just those defined for the moment as our adversaries, we will continue to stand as hypocrites to the rest of the world. We will continue to be seen as a people who don’t mean what we say. Or rather, as a nation that applies one standard of morality to ourselves, and a completely different standard to everyone else. And still we wonder, "why do they hate us?"
Tim Wise is a writer, lecturer and antiracist activist. He can be reached and footnotes for this article can be procured from him at tjwise@mindspring.com
(1) CBS, "60 Minutes," interview with Madeline Albright, conducted by Lesley Stahl, May 12, 1996. In discussing the effects of sanctions in Iraq, the following exchange took place:
Lesley Stahl: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?
Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it.
(2) New York Times, December 22, 1989, p. 16
(3) Blum, William 1995. Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II. Common Courage Press: 336; also, "Road to Basra," Washington Post, February 27, 1991: 1.
(4) Quoted in "Controlling Interests," documentary film (San Francisco: California Newsreel), 1978, cited in Parenti, Michael. 1989. The Sword and the Dollar: Imperialism, Revolution and the Arms Race. St. Martin's Press: 57
(5) Testimony before the US Senate Armed Services Committee, Hearings on Fiscal Year 1972 Authorizations, July 22, 1971: 4289; cited in Blum, 1995: 140
(6) Blum, 1995: 194; also, Kadane, Kathy, "CIA Lists," San Francisco Examiner, May 20, 1990; also, Covert Action Information Bulletin. Number 35, Fall 1990: 59, contains excerpts of interviews with U.S. Diplomats conducted by Kadane for SF Examiner article.
(7) Pearce, Jenny. 1982. Under the Eagle: U.S. Intervention in Central America and the Caribbean. Latin American Bureau, London: 67; also, Schlesinger, Stephen and Kinzer, Stephen. 1999 (updated edition). Bitter Fruit: The Story of the American Coup in Guatemala. Harvard University Press; also, Lernoux, Penny. 1984. In Banks We Trust. Doubleday Books: 238, citing a CBS News Special, March 20, 1982 ("Update: Central America in Revolt")
(8) Blum, 1995: 200-203; Extracts from the report of the Senate Commission of Inquiry into Torture, accompanying the film script for the documentary, State of Siege. 1973, Ballantine Books: 194-196; also, "Death of a Policeman: Unanswered Questions About a Tragedy," Commonweal, September 18, 1970: 457; also, Langguth, A.J. 1978. Hidden Terrors. Pantheon: 249; also, New York Times, August 5, 1978: 3
(9) Blum, 1995: 203; also Langguth, 1978: 305.
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NATIVITY NONSENSE The Christmas Story Posted: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 By Corey Gilkes
For most Xians the story of the birth of the Jesus figure is pretty much clear cut; simply turn to the New Testament and there outlined is everything one needed to know about how the saviour, god incarnate came into being. Exactly how Dec 25th came to be the celebrated date may pose a bit of a problem for some but that is hardly a problem worth graying hairs over. After all, the main thing is that "He" was born and he was born to save mankind from eternal damnation.
That is the story of the Jesus of faith. And, as is usually the case, the Jesus of faith is confused with actual history. The story of the baby Jesus being born to humble parents in a manger with three wise men paying homage to him and later being spirited out of the country to escape the wrath of Herod is romantic but by no means reality. In fact, as Dr John Dominic Crossan, of Depaul University once pointed out in an interview, we do not know where Jesus was born, we don’t know when he was born and, if you examine the whole issues of the Virgin birth, we do not know how he was born either.
Truth is often stranger than fiction and nowhere is that more obvious than in matters relating to religion; as Edward Gibbon pointed out the historian must be more circumspect than the theologian. For "people of colour" an additional question must also be asked: "what does this have to do with my position in the world socially, politically and economically?" This question should be the single most important question in the minds of the colonised because the most destructive of the colonised institutions is religion. The best way to bring about complete subjugation of a people is to destroy their image of the Divine. The political implications of historicising age-old allegorical myths is perhaps one of the least examined aspects of religion by those who have been colonised by it. This will be explored in another article.
Beginnings of the Nativity
Even today in the so-called Information Age it comes as a profound shock to many Xians to learn that their Nativity story, far from being a miraculous event some 2000 odd years ago, is a refashioned compilation of pre-Xian myths stretching back to very ancient times. The damning evidence can still be found in the Nile Valley upon the walls of Amenope’s tomb, in a cave in India called Elephanta, in the Drama of Bel and the life of Pythagoras and Zeus and a host of other historical and mythical figures all of whom preceding the Xian Era.
One of the remarkable things about early Xianity is the fact that the early devotees made no mention of the birth of their supposed saviour or even his supposedly fleshly existence for that matter. The earliest Gospel, Mark, speaks nothing about the ancestry, birth and genealogy of Jesus and contemporary Greek and Roman writers and historians of that period have nothing to say about him either save vague, generic references to the [temporal] title of the Christ. In some cases where writers like Josephus and Paul make "specific" mentions of Jesus, these references turn out to be forgeries written in by zealous students, and redacting bishops. Also, there was strong opposition to the "pagan" custom of celebrating birthdays – ironic when one considers that from top to bottom "paganism" is woven into Xianity’s beliefs and customs. At first, his birth date was on January 6th; however, by the 4th century it was noticed that Xian worshippers were also partaking in Mithraic celebrations of the Sun [natalis solis invicti] on December 25th. Realising that their followers were gravitating towards the worship of Mithra, Roman Xian authorities moved the feast date of Jesus from January 6th to December 25th. Such were the lengths these early proselytisers were prepared to go to win or retain converts.
The need to locate and document hard evidence of the various aspects of Jesus’ life did not gain momentum until the various books that make up the bible were being compiled. Up until this time there was a prevailing belief that the end of the world was imminent and the Christ would return. By the time it was realised that this was not going to happen, the Doctors of the Church, in an effort to consolidate their positions of authority, needed to gather as much evidence of the errant saviour. The details of his "biography" and genealogy were pieced together from the numerous Asian mythologies that permeated Rome at the time. Even more profound was the influence of "pagan" Africa: up until the time of Constantine, the capital of Christendom was not in Rome at all but in Egypt. It was Egyptian monks, such as Anthony the Hermit, who started the Church’s tradition of monasticism. The worship of Yusir and Auset was still immensely powerful and as I will show in a subsequent article was the main source for the Jesus myth.
It was also necessary for the Church Fathers to create a lineage that linked Jesus to the line of David. According to Jewish legend a saviour from the line of David would be born and he would lead the Hebrews out of Roman bondage. Interestingly, though the authors of the Synoptic Gospels copied from Mark, theirs was a shabby job indeed. To this day there are two almost totally contradicting genealogies [thank goodness the authors – who, remember, were "inspired men" – were not able to meet and match their stories! If we were to accept these biblical narratives as historical, as Xians say we should, innumerable inconsistencies would pop up. In fact, the Gospels are so muddled – even if we allow for the well-documented mistranslations, liberal editing and outright forgeries – it almost impossible to extricate reality from mythology and fact from absurdity. We have, for instance, the much misrepresented virgin birth; virtually all pre-Xian sacred sciences had their saviours born of a Virgin – among the Nile Valley Africans, Heru/Horus, as was his father Yusir/Osiris, was born of a virgin, the Great Mother Auset/Isis. The Osirian Drama spread to other parts of the Mediterranean and Asia becoming Mithra in Persia, Krishna in India, Bacchus and Dionysus in Greece and Rome. The creators of the biblical Jesus saw the advantage of matching the feats and characteristics of these pagan deities with similar feats and characteristics of Jesus. To this end they saw no problem with appropriating various attributes of a number of deities, particularly, those of Egypt and Asia Minor, and appending them to Christ Jesus.
Then there is the familiar story of the wise men coming from the east following a star. In Luke’s account there is no star; what we do have are shepherds watching their flocks by night which itself presents a problem. Shepherds are not out in the fields in December unless they have a death wish. But the yarn about the star itself should be looked at; here we have three "kings", coming from the east, following a star from the east [can you follow a star that is behind you?]. Further, how is it that we have a star detaching itself from orbit, and no one, especially the Chinese astronomers who at this period were observing everything in the heavens, did not notice such an astounding and for many terrifying event? How did the Dogon of Mali or the Greek and Roman star-gazers fail to take note of this? Most Lay Xians are blissfully unaware that we are speaking about a period in which just about everything was documented and many of these historical documents are still around. Such abnormal phenomenon would certainly cause a noteworthy upheaval.
The American Atheists view of this star-tale is worth repeating here:
How does one follow a star, anyway? If you start to follow a star, such as described here, shortly after its rising you will begin to head east (after all, it is said to have risen in the east). Thus, the Magi would have begun to head back home to Iran. By midnight, however, the star would have been south of our wise guys and the Magi would have been heading toward Saudi Arabia. As the night wore on toward morning, they would head westward toward the Mediterranean Sea. With the beginning of a new night of travel, this mad hatter behavior would replay again, the path of our unwise men describing a series of curlicues on the earth's surface. Depending on how fast they walked how regular their rate, the absolute sizes of these curlicues would differ greatly, and the final destinations would be incredibly different.
Even allowing for the miraculous stopping of the star over the nativity scene -- an impossibility of literally astronomical dimensions -- how would the wise men know which house was under it? Every time they came to a house apparently under the star, if they just walked around to the other side of the house, they would find the star apparently had moved to be over the next house, and so on! If there are any true believers reading this message, I have a challenge. Tonight go out and try to follow a star -- any star except the North Star. See where it gets you!
On second thought, don't exclude the North Star. Go for it! When you get to Santa Claus's house, give my regards to the elves.
We are told that in the Old Testament there were several prophecies foretelling the coming of Jesus. It’s claimed that the Old Testament contains numerous prophecies foretelling the coming of Jesus. For instance, Matt. 2:23 speaks about Jesus and his parents returning from Egypt and going to Nazareth "this was to fulfil the words spoken through the prophet: ‘He shall be called a Nazarene’". First off, the sect known as the Nazarenes were not given that name because of anything to do with Nazareth; judging by Roman maps, Nazareth did not even exist until the 4th century. Neither is there any such prophecy anywhere in the OT. Neither is there any credence in the view that Isaiah 7. V. 14 is foretelling Jesus’ birth by a virgin. The passage reads "Behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel". However, the Hebrew text reads: "Behold the young woman [almah] is with child, and will give birth to a son, and she will call his name Emmanuel. This has nothing to do with any miraculous birth a few hundred years later. It is referring to a young woman who is already pregnant and it seems she has plans on naming him Emmanuel. Note that this passage was directed to King Ahaz and was not some reference to Jesus and Mary [who certainly did not name her child Emmanuel].
The term "virgin" also needs to be dealt with because, contrary to popular belief, it does not necessarily have to do with whether a woman had sexual intercourse. The Hebrews used two words to denote virgin – almah, which simply meant ‘a young woman’, and bathur which denoted a woman betrothed. The Greek writers, lacking a similar word in their vocabulary, used ‘parthenoi’ [hymen intact], thereby sowing the seeds for the misconception of the millennium. Also, in many traditional societies, ‘virginity had to do with one’s conduct, power, state of consciousness. So a woman who had five children would be called ‘virgin’ if here ways were pure, she embodied the values the values of the community, and every child she bore had an "Immaculate Conception".
Another discrepancy has to do with Herod. Now we are told that Herod murdered every male child in a grisly attempt to eliminate the infant Jesus. Remember now, we are told that all this actually happened, it is not to be read allegorically [which it should have been]. So if Herod did indeed do all this then how could he have done it from beyond the grave, because this man did after all die in the year 4 BCE? Now Herod was indeed guilty of killing infant children – his own. These children were murdered so that there could be no legitimate challenger for the position of High Priest. Note also that the many chroniclers of Herod, such as Josephus, who never hesitated to point out Herod’s many crimes, made no mention of what would surely have been the piece-de-resistance. In fact given the nature of such a crime, someone, whether in Syria, Rome, India or Egypt was bound to have recorded it. But we have nothing at all.
But wait, it gets better; Jesus was a baby during the reign of Herod and Quirinius, governor of Syria. Another problem arises here; if Herod died in the year 4 BCE and Quirinius did not become governor until the year 7 CE, Jesus remained a baby for 11-odd years! Then we have the census to deal with, the same census where "all the world" [the whole world?] was to be taxed. What census was this? We have no record of any empire-wide census by Augustus and Quirinius did conduct a census, but it was in Judea, not Galilee. And, given the militancy of the Hebrews, they would have been moving away from their villages, not towards them. Had the authors and redactors been more versed in history, they would have gotten away with it. Further, had the Romans really conducted a census and instructed everyone return to his ancestral village and city, the Empire would have collapsed. What with the state of transport in those days, having Spaniards return to Spain from Egypt, Africans returning to Egypt, Carthage, etc, it would have been utter chaos.
The purpose was not to mock anyone’s religious beliefs [though it could do with a kick in the backside], my aim as always is to shed some light on certain aspects of history so that there could be some discussion, research and deep introspection. Faith is no excuse for ignorance. The insistence by Eurocentric religious authorities that we simply accept these biblical stories on the basis of faith [the implication here is that these events are to be taken as historical] had and still has nothing to do with any god or piety. It has everything to do with political power and who holds it. This has been noted not only by Africentric scholars such as Dr Marimba Ani but by such outstanding Eurocentric religious scholars as Elaine Pagels and Robert Eisenman.
In another article I hope to expand upon the allegorical interpretation of the Nativity by showing its origin in the Egyptian funerary rituals and that culture’s astronomical observations.
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How Aids Can Be Stopped Or Controlled Posted: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 by P.A.Barton
There have been many contributions to the origins of AIDS (Aquired Immune Defficienty Syndrome) over the past few years. There have been many versions of the sources of AIDS. Yet, a study of African history does not show any evidence of any disease like AIDS having such a devastating effect on Africa since Egyptian times to the rapid spread of AIDS over the past ten years. (See the book: Susu Economics The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth (ISBN# 1-58721-454-7) 1stBooks Library, www.1stbooks.com
For example, some have blamed a "green monkey" for having spread AIDS among humans, raising the question as to why AIDS was not around thousands of years before the green monkey is said to have bitten someone. Was this the first "green monkey" to bite a human and pass AIDS? The question is as haunting as the idea that the moon is made of "green cheese."
There are many scientists, doctors, biologists and ordinary people who believe that the so-called AIDS "virus" was invented in a laboratory with the intention of being used a tool for population control. According to some scientists, including prominent immuno-defficiency specialists, it appears that the AIDS virus is a "retro-virus" composed of viruses from two sources.
One source is sheep (syphilis is said to come from sheep as well) and the other is bovine (or cow) viruses. It is also said that retroviruses alread inhabit the body and are dormant but can be triggered to flare up later. The stomach may contain such retroviruses and it is a fact that diseases can be spread when persons visit the bathrooms and do not wash their hands before leaving.
At the present time, AIDS is devastating the Nations of Africa and South Asia, the Caribbean and parts of Brazil. One notices that these nations have one thing in common. They have large populations of people of African descent, huge populations faced with poverty, a myriad of tropical diseases with symptoms very similar to AIDS, such as "sleeping sickness", malaria, tuberculosis, worms and others.
According to African Link Magazine (Volume 6, #4; 4th Quarter, 1997, p. 27), the isolation of many African communities from Africa's great rivers and water drainage systems such as the Zambizi, Nile, Volta, Gambia, Niger, Limpopo and other river systems have led to many poor and isolated rural people having little access to potable water. In other areas where drainage is not efficient, "because of this lack of access some diseases such as water-borne bilharzia, intestinal parasites and guinea worm are common." Sadly, these and many other such tropical diseases are now lumped into the "AIDS" category. Malaria and sickle cell anemia is widspread in Africa and the tropics as well. There is also a factor that is being lookied at by many nations in Africa. Is AIDS being spread by mosquitoes? In the Dominican Republic, that issue was made public after many startling observations.
1. Governments must take steps to create the medicines that will help stop the spread of AIDS and cure any of those infected. Many governments can use or combine their scientists to work on creating cures
2. Measures should be taken to stop all behavior that causes the spread of AIDS. Ancient traditions, sexual taboos and laws making irresponsible behavior illegal should be passed.
3. Young people and adults alike must be reminded of the value of not being promiscuous, of staying faithful to one partner and of not engaging in risky behavior.
4. Drug consumption must be lessened significantly. Crack cocaine and many narcortics including legal toxic drugs may help weaken the immune system. Alcohol abuse can also weaken the body's ability to fight diseases.
5. Measures should be taken by organizations, governments and individuals to encourage testing for AIDS as well as other diseases.
6. African, Indian, Caribbean, American and other governments faced with AIDS in their territories and continual infections, should encourage population expansion. In Africa, the tradition has always been to have large families due to the devastation that diseases such as malaria, sickle cell anemia, kwashiokor, parasites and others can and have caused in negatively affecting population growth. (Read more on this issue in: Susu Economics The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth (ISBN# 1-58721-454-7) www.1stbooks.com
7. AIDS was curtailed in Cuba from the beginning. African governments should study what methods they used to control the spread of AIDS and should implement these methods. 8. There should be studies of people who are immne to AIDS. For example, according to U.S. News and World Report (January 29, 2001; p.40) "Some people with Eastern European roots have a gene that confers resistance to AIDS." Governments and Pharmacuetical companies in Africa and worldwide should conduct studies to see whether cures can be created from these "anti AIDS genes." After all, it is the resistance of some Africans to malaria that has helped to create anti-malaria vaccines. (read more on the AIDS crisis and how it can be controlled http://community.webtv.net/paulnubiaempire
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Zimbabwe: Whites condemn Mugabe Posted: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 Posted By Ayinde
I am now watching this White woman on BBC cable, who is relating how she is leading a group that is fighting for their rights to live in peace in Zimbabwe.
It is amazing to hear how she condemns Mugabe for passing laws to legitimize what he wants to do.
The bias, hypocritical BBC interviewer cannot even pose proper questions to this silly mindless female who thinks that the only rule of law are those set down by the British.
I don't support Mugabe's methods and timing. I find he stayed too long to do something about land reform. I find his campaign on land reform is more about staying in power than the true reform that is required to develop that country.
But hearing this female articulate how he is passing laws to legitimize what he wants to do would have been humorous if we were not addressing serious issues. These hypocrites pretend they cannot reflect and see that their occupation of Lands in Africa was illegal and staying there illegally over time does not make it legal. They cannot see that Britain and the rest of Europe/America continually pass laws in an attempt to legitimize their crimes.
In fact the debt to sensible Zimbabweans is far greater than they imagine, and it cannot simply be repaid with land reform alone. In fact some Zimbabweans are so mentally enslaved that they are worse than many other Africans in the Diaspora who are trying to erase their African heritage.
But this is the power of European Bias Media; they convey what they want to viewers without putting things in a proper historical context.
Why Mugabe is right...
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Jesus travel to Ethiopia according to Coptic Posted: Sunday, December 16, 2001 ( Ras Mandingo )
There's a very good book called "Jesus lived in India" wich can illustrate this topic. Also "the murder of Christ" is wonderful. So interesting to see Jesus as an articulated disciple, who chose himself, to show how much we could do ourselves! it's really degenerative this idea of Jesus as someone who could do our work for ourselves! As Cheik Anta Diop said in Civilization or Barbarism " Crist is a title for someone who watch over the misteries". Thanks for the cultural and educational vibes! RAs Mandingo, posting from Brasil. ________________________________________________________
( Ingrid )
That is an interesting book, which I read a while back but it is important to remember that Christ or KRST is the title of a person at a particular stage of development and throughout African history there were many. That is the reason the descriptions vary from region to region. But at least from all evidence they were black. ________________________________________________________
( RootsWomb(man) )
The title "Christ" (anointed one) has its ROOTS from the word KRST, also seen in the word "Krishna" in its masculine form, "Kali" in its feminine form, both meaning and being BLACK.
"The earliest gods and messiahs on all the continents were black. Research has yielded an impressive amount of material on the subject...The Messiahs, some of whom lived many centuries before Christ, had lives which so closely paralleled that of Christ that it seems most likely that the story of the latter was adapted from them. Moreover, the word Christ comes from the Indian, Krishna or Chrisna, which means "The Black One." J.A. Rogers
ROOTS ________________________________________________________
( Akinkawon )
Generally most of J.A. Rogers work could be easily proven today and I maintain a healthy respect for his insights, however, I believe that the Greeks and Romans got their concept of a Christ from the Egyptians hence they got closer to the ancient meaning - the anointed one.
Given the fact that persons in training for higher enlightenment used to travel to distant lands to learn about our diversity, the Indians knew the concept of Christhood before the Greeks and Romans. They would have coined the meaning ‘the Black one’ from the appearance of the enlightened one. They may not have known what the Egyptians then later the Coptic meant by a KRST which is pronounced Christ before and after the use of vowels.
The Jews learned of this divine state from the Egyptians and they have been trying since then to make an anointed one for themselves. They do not know how that state is attained.
Egypt was the dominant power in the World at one time and people from all lands traveled to Egypt to get enlightened or at least sit at the feet of high priests.
A point of importance is that the enlightened ones of Egypt came from many different regions in Africa all the way to the Bantu people. The Egyptians were very fond of learning from the other African peoples with whom they traded and they held the elders in Nubia and Ethiopia in high regard.
I am drifting from the topic to make an important point often missed in the best of African history. All past and present enlightened Africans learned from all the peoples they encountered and they held the elders in the remotest parts of Africa in high regard. Also there are many different African names for that same state of Christhood that is well depicted in the symbols of more indigenous Africans.
Even in the Christian concept of a Christ they show him traveling to many regions to learn. This was not only an Egyptian practice but was a practice developed in more Ancient African culture.
So as Ingrid alluded, a KRST is not one physical person for all eternity. Many different people have embodied the essence of life and have been able to assist in the evolution of humanity. KRST is the highest stage of human development. However what is depicted in the Christian concept of a Christ is not of the highest realization but more of a compilation of the characteristics of more indigenous anointed ones. There are many parts of their depiction that rings true but there are other parts that clearly show they did not grasp the essence of that stage of development. (QUITE UNDEDRSTANDABLE)
Looking for a Christ is a big deal today only because most people are lost but this was a natural developmental process for all people before people entered a new phase of corruption that started when Europeans migrated/invaded Africa, a land they had lost contact with and did not regard and remember was their former homeland.
I feel sorry for those who are in search of a White saviour because historically no one has stood out but the African saviours are many and legendary. That would make another interesting discussion. The idea that people could stay ignorant and simply claim to believe and that equals salvation or enlightenment is the most disrespectful thing they can do today. It means the very myths they hold they don’t understand. As even in the Christian book it shows how a saviour is a learned person who does not allow racial prejudice to block him from learning.
These are the good examples they could draw from their ‘bibles’ but no, today if you tell some Black Christians (that includes Rasta Christians) to examine the culture closest to them, they are more afraid than Whites. There can be no worst form of slavery than that. ________________________________________________________
( RootsWomb(man) )
YES! You are absolutely correct! The KRST pre-dates KRISHNA, as Kush/Khemet is India's MOTHER...but I LOOOOOVED when you said this:
"These are the good examples they could draw from their ‘bibles’ but no, today if you tell some Black Christians (that includes Rasta Christians) to examine the culture closest to them, they are more afraid than Whites. There can be no worst form of slavery than that."
AFRIKANS - ARIZE! ________________________________________________________
( livelyup )
I give thanks for the powerful reasoning. I&I believe that there is an important relationship that has been alluded to here but not spoken of explicitly, that is the the need for a context out of which an elightened one (KRST, christ, buddha, sadhu, sage...) may emerge. It is probably not enough for any individual to simply wish to become wise. For this wish to become reality requires that they are able to exist in a community that values wisdom, as opposed to the rote repition of 'truth', and that has developed a respect for the methods of attaining that wisdom. This, of necessity, is synonymous with a repect for the importance of the individual reaching understanding by their own power, rather than this understanding being handed down via an institutionalised source. This may be the reason for the large number of african sages that have achieved historical prominance. In the african communities there seems to have existed communities that treasured wisdom, activley researched and applied the means to its attainment, and who celebrated and protected the wise. In my own ancestral lands of Europe this was not the case since the coming of the romans. With them came institutionalised truth, which served their broader aims of a total dominance of all forms of defining what was legitimate. They activley sought to completely destroy all traces of the existing wisdom culture in its druidic form sending their death squads to explicitly exterminate these forms of social practices. Any subsequent efforts on the part of european people to re-connect with traditions of wisdom were met with persecution, torture, and death. This institutionalised legitimacy became part and parcel of european culture, and was a significant part of the genocide that we wrought on the indiginous inhabitants of the lands that we subsequently subjegated. We became the new romans. On an individual level for the average european this situation that has only very recently been, to some extent, reversed, with the renewed interest in wisdom traditions that has taken place since the 1930's and a corresponding lessening in the institutional capacity to suppress this trend. While the wait continues for a visible manifestation and personification of this new appreciation of wisdom amongst those of european cultural origins, ini would suggest that appropriate icons and exemplars may be found in the myths and belief systems that existed before the influence of the roman conquerers. Scratch an old celtic god/goddess, hero / heroine deep enough and you may just find the faintest traces of the 'white krst' that currently proves so ellusive. Far more insidious has been the position of women with respect to participation in the search for enlightenment. Even within cultures that have been tolerant and supportive of those who seek wisdom, i&i believe that it is true to say that women have not been able to participate with equal freedom and power. Once again, perhaps it is in the more symbolic forms of myth and legend that we see personifications of the female krst principle. Ini believe that the rasta collective need to be aware of this. Perhaps it is important for us to reason on how we may best create a community that best supports and transmits wisdom, and that activley pursues and develops the ways of wisdom, for all people who have the desire to travel this road.
Much respect and love,
Paul ________________________________________________________
( Akinkawon )
Interesting point, but a wise one ‘a KRST’ does not have a fragile ego that needs massaging. A KRST comes with the wisdom for the times we live in and the time we live in is antagonistic to the truth and higher principles so a real enlightened one would know how to navigate these times. It is not as if an enlightened one could be ignorant of the present environment.
Those that are in search of higher heights would value the truth for what it is whether it comes through a Man or Woman. It is the arrogance of males that has opened the way for females to become Women. As most females had to rely on their wits and other senses to survive the arrogance of male superiority, many are more developed today to reason on higher levels. The principle of Christhood is gender neutral, therefore any one (male or female, Black or White can attain it) the key is in knowing the processes for developing that essence in your self. This can be discussed some time in the near future.
But for the purposes of this discussion, it does not matter if many or few people can detect the KRST as those that were/are on the path of resisting mental slavery would see the KRST first as a aid or teacher then in themselves.
The KRST has different levels of meaning.
First it relates to those who have attained that union with the universal essence therefore can reason from a Universal understanding, then as a principle.
Another point is the reason at a particular time different cultures see the KRST with different features is because it usually is more that one person.
One person attains this union, and then the lessons are passed to others who were seeking (disciples). This brings about many such enlightened persons who disperse to areas where enlightenment is needed. So in China they may depict an anointed one with different features around the same time others are being portrayed differently in other parts of the world.
It is about a body of ideas that are realized through a discipline.
To become the embodiment of higher divine essence those seeking must first develop their principle of Manhood and Womanhood (this is different from maleness and femaleness). These principles are what give birth to the neutral essence (kundalini), commonly called the Son of God.
There are female names for Women who have attained this balance of Christhood. We can always develop this further as I have seen RootsWomb(man) referred to a few.
The people who are aware of these forces always hold the principles in high regard and they hold their teachers in the highest esteem. This is present today. It is just that too few people are sufficiently aware of the rudiments of history to be mentally liberated.
That is what they mean by many are called but few a chosen. The words of truth go out to the multitude but few people are willing to overcome laziness to do their own investigation to realize the truths for themselves.
Today many are called but so few have done the preparatory work of informing themselves so they are unprepared to reason on any level above their emotions.
Many Whites are trying but they are yet to overcome their superiority complexes and to some extent arrogance when attempting to reason with the past and to a large extent Africans.
RA SPECT ________________________________________________________
( livelyup )
thankyou for the clarifications and reasoning. Seen. The importance of community that I was reffering to was not for the benifit of those that have achieved mastery. As you have quite rightly pointed out, the sage has little need for the approval of others, being as they are aware of the futility of such distinctions as approval and disapproval. Rather i considered it to be of importance to those (such as myself) who are beginning on the way. The sort of disciple/master relationship that you referred to is an example of what I had in mind, though I also had in mind some of the more practical elements of life. This concern stems from a growing unease about the fundamental incompatibility of modern forms of life and the attainment of any form of wisdom. I&i am wishing to reason further on this, the relationship of wisdom to both the culture that surrounds (and hopefully supports) it, and the meditations, methods, tools, and techniques used for the perfection and development of understanding.
Respect and love Paul ________________________________________________________
( Akinkawon )
You have a good understanding as you interpreted the points quite well.
The point about finding a master is really something that you discover for yourself by you posing the questions and examining the responses you get. If you have the ability to grasp higher heights soon you would find yourself relating to several persons on a different level without any one telling you they are part of any particular group or school.
Discovering a Master is part of your own personal journey. I know my master and even if I introduce you to the individual, who has assisted many other individuals who in turn assist others, you still may not recognize them based on your needs.
Also, to ensure you do not waste your time in your search you should put on the table the deep questions you have and examine the different answers you get.
Finding masters is a major part of self-discovery as no one can do it on their own. But it is really up to you to recognize the master first through your own diligence and perseverance. Trust yourself!
RA SPECT ________________________________________________________
( Ras Mandingo )
Greetings Brehtren!
Someone told me that: "when the disciple is ready, the master will appear". Good topic that you point. One has to be honest and listen to the own conscience , that is always judging, comforting or praising us. In the old times, God was the voice of one's conscience. It's funny because in portugues, conscience means "with science. when I can realize what is wrong, I'm closer to re-vealing what is right.
There's a youniversal/universal truth that can be feel and experinced directly. And so, one will start to meet people that are also looking for answers, and will be able to compare, to inpire, to get inspiration... It's getting self-conscious that you are on a way. But to where? heaven or hell? How we die is how we live.
Jesus said: "Whoever finds the interpretation of this sayings will not taste death. Let one who seeks not stop seeking until one finds. When one finds, one will be disturbed. When one is disturbed, one will be amazed, and will reign over all." ________________________________________________________
( E.A.Sisi Tafari )
Perfect trend;I give thanks.
To the brother from europe, pursue whatever is your righteous dream and help will come your way. ________________________________________________________
( IanI )
Ah! Greetings, Greetings! Paul and Akinkawon!
What a refreshment for me morning to see the two reasoning here this day. And reaching overstandings and seeing the points made, how I must admit that brings I a wonderful sense of joy and a warmth. Seen.
Years ago, when I did first climb the hills to reason with James, quite a few white ones came to meet him, but me notice them brought with them pre-concieved attitudes and ideas of "enlightenment" from other religions or books or churches or temples. And all they saw when they saw James was, because of all that mind-conditioning and in-doctrination, was a 'dirty, scraggly, little, black man' that them could not relate to. A very, very few stayed and realized His Wisdom and accepted Him as their teacher and guide. But to most, Africa, Rastafari, Blackness, Natural Livity... all held undertones of the 'un-civilized'... the 'savages'. I think that for them this was sub-conscious, but isn't that what 'self knowledge' and 'enlightenment' is all about? Getting to know ones own self...consciously as well as sub-consciously? I never felt any kind of ill feelings towards these people, just that I felt that maybe them would be on a very long, long journey since them did not seem to have a very good grasp on what them was really lookin for.
Irie Ites. ONE LOVE/HEART/MIND IanI Rastafari Guidance and Protection ________________________________________________________
( Jenny )
That is quite true for even African people. A very intelligent friend introduced me to a man whom he said was a teacher of the way and I traveled all the way to another country to meet him. The man did not look like an intelligent person so I wrestled with the idea about what is the look of intelligence. I could remember struggling with the feeling of disappointment. It is funny, but I want to go back because I missed out on an opportunity. Ingrid supposed to know who I talking about. Many people are unaware of how media and certain images in books have altered our perceptions. I had this image of how Sai Baba looks and moves so I expected someone like him. But this man was very ordinary looking and he didn’t do anything spectacular at first glance. When I got home I had these strong feelings and I still wish to go back. You are correct and it affects even African people who don’t know ordinariness. Simplicity, that’s it. ________________________________________________________
( IanI )
irie Sistren
Oh so true. In Jamaica is where IanI Rastafari get so much condemnation and rejection and scorn! And yet a white preacher man will come talkin about a white savior god and the people literally fall at his feet!! Pre-con-cieved brainwashment of the masses that can be that obvious, or as sub-conscious as I did speak of earlier.
The Realization for IanI is that the Naturalness of Creation is the Beauty of the Manifestation and that is the Simplicity the I speaks of. As far as 'going back', sistren, well may I suggest that the I forward when the opportunity presents itself once again and then perhaps the I will be in the mental and spiritual place where all that is being offered will be available unto the I. Seen. Give thanks.
Ites to the Most High. IanI Rastafari Guidance and Protection ________________________________________________________
( livelyup )
Greetings and thanks to all!
First may i&i thank Akinkawon and all of the others who have patiently taken the time to reason and respond to the questions that i&i asked. This board is a special place that produces a truly wonderous array of thought and vision. I&i am lucky indeed to have stumbled upon it, it is not at all what i expected..... Which brings me to this. IanI, once again you have demonstrated your uncanny gift at seeing straight into my mind and past the pretense that it is so often guarded with. Indeed, i&i have struggled to accept this rasta way. I have compared it overmuch with that which i was familiar, the zen, the tao, and the other asian schools. I cannot count how many times i&i have said in my mind, "they are really just like......". But you aren't, are you? Rasta is itself, and while it may be true that this livity aims to the same place as others, that is not the same as it being an identical thing. And so i&i have struggled on, thinking, thinking, too much thinking, when it is surrender that i&i must be practising instead. I have been a poor student of history. The truth never comes in the form that you expect it to (is this the first trial on the quest?). All of the great teachers have come from unexpected places, which in itself is a teaching about the idiocy of expectation.... So, Akinkawon, i&i will practice accptance and surrender, and will meditate, and hopefully one day will have a question of some worth to ask of those that write on this board. I will attempt to reveal my deep questions. But there is work to be done first. Thank you, and all, again for your help along the way.
Respect and love Paul
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Blacks Around The World Must Unite Posted: Monday, December 10, 2001 by Pianke Nubian
The political, cultural, economic and racial of Blacks (Africans, Dalit Indians, Black Latin Americans, Melanesians, Australian Aborigines...others) is very important in this period of the history of Blacks on this planet.
Efforts to exterminate or forcibly destroy the culture of Blacks in Sudan and Mauritania (Africa), Latin America, Melanesia, Papua-New Guinea, West Papua, Australia, and North Africa is rampant. The time has come to take measures to begin the process of unification iin order to stop the atrocities that are being committed against Blacks, particularly in Sudan, Africa and West Papua. The very same types of people, inspired by the very same type of religions are responsible for GENOCIDE AGAINST NEGRITICS (BLACKS) IN SUDAN AND IN WEST PAPUA.
In order to put a stop to the atrocities, Blacks (Papuans, Melanesians, Australian Aborigines, ect...) in Melanesia and the region shiould and must unite with Blacks in the Americas (there are 300 millon Blacks throughout the Americas), Africa (with 800 million), Europe (abot five million), India (300 million Black Dalits/Untouchables and 300 million Black "Tribals."). The entire Black population of Melanesia/South Pacific Region may be about 30 million. (Read more on the ancient Black trade networks, "Susu Economics: The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth," pub. by www.1stbooks.com also "Susu and Susunomics," www.iuniverse.com and "A History of the African-Olmecs: Black Civilizations of America from Prehistoric Times to the Present Era," pub. by www.1stbooks.com
The first agenda must be to convene a worldwide Pan-Negro conference, where all people of Black/Negritic/Black Australoid origins, who are victims of the same racism, colonialism, casteism and religious sanctified racism are suffering. WE ARE SUFFERING BASED ON ONE THING....OUR SKIN COLOR, OUR NEGRITIC/AFRICAN RACIAL ORIGINS.
(1) The Black community of Papua New Guinea, West Papua, Fiji, Melanesia, Australia, the South Pacific SHOULD WORK TO CREATE A SINGLE PAN-MELANESIAN NATION IN THE REGION. That can be accomplished by working to politically and economically unite the Melanesians, Papuans and Black Aboriginals, to work on methods of improving the economies and creating a regional and united force for self-defence
(2) Blacks of the Melanesian region, Papua-New Guinea/West Papua, East Timor, Australia and the region should work to unify with Blacks in Africa and America. So far, Africa has taken steps to unify the continent and that attempt is simply one stage of the OBJECTIVE OF IMPLIMENTING PAN-NEGROISM (THE UNIFICATION AND PROTECTION OF THE BLACK RACES OF THE WORLD), on a worldwide basis and stopping the atrocities and destruction of the cultures of Blacks. See more on this issue at http://community.webtv.net/paulnubiaempire http://dalitstan.org http://www.raceandhistory.com
(3) Melanesians, Papua-New Guineans, West Papuans, Australian Aborigines and other Blacks in Asia MUST AND SHOULD JOIN IN THE YEARLY (PAN-AFRICAN/PAN-NEGRO) conferences that are held, where the liberation, economic assistance, military assistance and cooperation among the world's Black nations and communities is discussed.
The fact is, as far as Africans are concerned as well as Blacks in the Americas and elsewhere, Blacks in the Melanesian, Papan, Australian and South Pacific are part of the African/Black diaspora (see the book, "The Black Untouchables of India, pub. by www.claritypress.com see also "Susu Economics: The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth," pub. by 1stBooks Library, www.1stbooks.com email, 1stbooks@1stbooks.com ) One writer Runoko Rashidi and others such as V.T. Rajshekar made that point clear in their works ( see http://www.cwo.com/~lucumi/runko.html ) or www.raceandhistory.com
During the 1960's and 1970's, when Africans in Africa and elsewhere were fighting for their independance, so were Blacks in East Timor, Papua and Melanesia. Senegal, an African nation along with others took an interest in contributing to the liberation of Black people in these Pacific nations. Today, the objective of Pan-Africanism or Pan-Negroism (which includes uplifting the entire Negritic population of planet earth) is still one of the strong political objectives of Blacks, although many isms and confusing schemes are aimed at pulling Blacks apart.
As long as Blacks continue to suffer and continue to be exploited, the need for African and Black world unity will forever remain. When we are totally free of alien racist and sanctified religious colonialism, we will still need unity and cooperation in order to maintain our upward mobility and security, just as Europeans will do everything to maintain theirs.
In retrospect, the time has come for Blacks in Papua-New Guinea, West Papua, Fiji, Melanesia, Australia and the entire Pacific/Asia region to unite among themselves and work for unification and military, economic, cultural and other types of unity and cooperation among Blacks in places like America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, and elsewhere.
The colonialists, occupiers of Black lands, religious imperialists will do all they can to tell Blacks they are not "Black," and they have no connection. Yet, these same people will use the racism and the sanctified racism of their religions to implement oppression on ALL BLACKS BECAUSE OF OUR FACTUAL CONNECTIONS AND THE FACT OF OUR BEING BLACK PEOPLE.
When Blacks around the world unite economically, culturally and militarily to stop the atrocities being committed against Blacks in Mauritania (occupied by Arabs and Berbers), Sudan (occupied by Arabs), West Papua (also occupied), New Caledonia, parts of India and parts of Northern Africa, it is when we will be able to develop on a worldwide scale. As long as Blacks in places like Colombia, Brazil, other Latin American nations, parts of Africa, Europe, North America, Melanesia, India and Australia continue to be divided, we are going to be like scattered grains of sand over the planet, with no strength and no power.
Just try this for once. Let the Black Melanesians of Papua New Guinea, West Papua (Irian Jaya), Melanesia, Australia and Torres Straits and the entire region unite into a single Nation, just as the Japanese composed of thousands of islands and the Philipinos and Indonesians are made up of thousands of islands but are still united. When Blacks in Melanesia accomplish this objective, the racist poliies of "ASIANIZATION" AND GENOCIDE BEING WAGED ON BLACKS IN MELANESIA WILL HAVE TO STOP.
Can Australia and New Zealand feel safe today?? They ought to help Melanesia unify and build a strong Black nation of more than twenty million people in the region, well armed and politically and economically strong and pwoerful. In a few decades, Indonesia, China, Japan and other nations in the region may implement their "Asianization" policy and overrun Australia, where the Black Aboriginal population has suffered enough.
In retrospect, it should be and is the duty of Blacks everywhere to join in unity with Blacks in Melanesia as well as the South Pacific and India, some of the world's most oppressed, in order to bring about the development of Blacks in Asia. We should then unify all over the world and stop the genocide, economic deprevation, exploitation and racism being committed against Blacks all over the world.
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Arab Racism And Imperialism In Sudan (Africa) Posted: Saturday, December 8, 2001 By Nubianem
One of the most insulting events occurred a few months ago when thousands of Nigerians, Ghanians and other West Africans were lynched, attacked and killed in the streets of Libya, an Arab nation. Yet Africans continue to allow the Arab extermination of Blacks in Sudan and Mauritania, Arab racism and apartheid/racism in Zanzibar and parts of East Africa, and Arab mischief in some of the wars in West Africa. The time has long past for Black Africans to realise two things.
(1) Arabs are Caucasians whose racism and religious imperialism is responsible for the destruction of African civilizations (see the essay "African War Against the Arabs," http://community.webtv.net/paulnubiaempire.
(2) The Arabs and other Semites will never respect Black Africans and will continue to use their henchmen in Sudan and elsewhere to continue the extermination of Black Africans so they can depopulate the continent of Blacks and occupy it, as thy have done in Northern Africa. Hence, the solution is for the unification of BLACK AFRICANS/PAN-NEGRO PEOPLES all over the world to unite in the fight to stop what is an ancient war of genocide against Blacks which began with the invasion of Nubia by the Arab armies during the 600's A.D. Although they were defeated, they continued harrassment and imposed enslavement on Blacks, destroying the Great Nubian Kingdom and occupying much of Sudan today, while imposing their religion and culture on the region.
The unification of Africa was an important step, yet for some reasons it seems that some Africans are still unaware of Arab intentions in Africa which has been the same since the invasions of Egypt during the six hundreds a.d. When one looks at a map of the world and sees Sudan, Somalia and a numnber of Black nations suddenly classified as "Arab," one has to wonder what are Africans/Blacks worldwide doing to stop this swollowing of African lands, extermination of African people, enslavement and destroying of African men, women and chiildren, and imposing of non-African religions and culture that is totally against African traditions on Africans.
What does that say, that we as Blacks will follow the cultures and religions of people like sheep, simply because we think their religions are better?
The main problem in Africa today is one of alien occupation of African lands, alien control of African resources and alien control of the African mind. African religions MUST BE REESTABLISHED ALL OVER THE AFRICAN CONTINENT AND RELIGIONS THAT PROMOTE THE CULTURE, BELIEFS AND RACISM OF OTHER PEOPLES SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED.
The same religious concepts such as the lie called "the curse of Ham," used by the Semitic religions to justify slavery of Blacks is used to justy and promote/practice Arab and European racism against Blacks under the guise of religious teachings.
Any religion that calls for the enslavement of Africans or whose practicioners justy and practice the enslavement of Africans or anyone else should be eliminated from the consciousness of Blacks.
The same beliefs that are used to enslave Blacks in Sudan and Mauritania are used to occupy the lands of Blacks in Indonesia, Iryan Jaya and elsewhere. Slavery and kidnapping of Blacks in SE Asia, Melanesia, Papua-New Guinea has been going on for centuries and has been carried out by people who use the very same religious beliefs they use to justify their occupation and destruction of the Nubas, Dinkas, Nubians and other Africans in Sudan, Mauritania, East Africa and elsewhere.
The original African religions such as Shango, Imbanda, Vadu, Condomble, Lucumi and even the ancient African Coptic Christian religion found in Nubia (which the Arabs are trying to eliminate) and Ethiopia are religions that contribute to the mental, psychological and spiritual needs of Africans. These religions deal with aspects of our being. When we observe the forces of nature and the power of the human mind and human capabilities in Shango, Vadu or Condomble, we recognize our devine powers, bestowed upon us by the Devine Mind (God), instead of kneeling before the statue of what is supposed to be some god imposed on us by people who continue to apply racism and enslavement on Black people on a worldwide scale.
Obviously, it is true there needs to be a reformation in African Spiritualist Religions (see the essay, "Harry Potter and the Black Origins of Magic," http://community.webtv.net/paulnubiaempire For example, religions such as Condomble of Brail, Shango of Trinidad, Vadu of Haiti, African Spiritualism practiced in West and Southern Africa and the religions of the Black Dalits of India and the Blacks of the Pacific/Melanesia should be unified. There should be a system of rules, lore, traditions, writings, sacred texts to store the sacred knowledge and a system of temples and architecture. THERE SHOULD BE A REFORMATION IN TRADITIONAL AFRICAN RELIGION. For example some teachings should be refined such as depending on our ancestors (as we depend on Christ for all our needs, while sitting on our backs waiting). We should say, "with the guidance of our ancestors, we shall work harder," rather than believing, "God the ancestors will provide," therefore we need not work hard or strive for improvement.
In retrospect, as long as Africans/Blacks worldwide continue to allow the religions and cultures of others to permeate our minds, destroy our cultures, corrupt our morality, we will always be slaves to Arabs in Sudan and Mauritania, Indonesia and the South Pacific. We will always be used by missionaries from religions such as Mormism whose texts and writings still contain statements that some say are very insulting to Blacks, yet whose religion is spreading in Africa, as if they realize Africans have no time to think, but will accept anybody's religion, including those that say Blacks are "cursed."
Africa and the Black world from Latin America through the Caribbean and the U.S. to Africa, Dalit India, Melanesia, Australia and elsewhere must bring into being a world Black cultural and spiritual renaissance (see African Renaissance....http://community.webtv.net/paulnubiaempire ) Religion more than any other ideology digs deep into the essence of human spirituality and being. How can we be who we are if we are permeated with the religious beliefs invented by other people, speaking their languages, wearing their attire, following their holidays and brutalizing our own people because they (the religious imperialists) hate us and told us too (as in Sudan).
The time has come to return to our own religions and culture. The key is reforming beliefs that ar4e outdated, preserving and improving what will contribute to the progress of Blacks worldwide. THE ESSENCE OF AFRICAN RELIGION IS BELIEF IN SELF AND BELIEF IN THE POWER OF THE DEVINE MIND (GOD) WITHIN US. With such belief, we will never feel inferior to anyone, we will never sit aside and watch invaders and religious imperialists swallow our motherland and exterminate our relatives (as some Africans are sitting back while Arab religious imperialism and racism destroys Africans), we will work to earn and take our place in the world as a great people, as we were before our minds become confused and our objectives changed.
Pianke Nubianem Nubianem3@webtv.net http://community.webtv.net/paulnubiaempire
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